Dott. Giacomo Gazzano
Direttore Laboratorio Anatomia Patologica e Biologia Molecolare Somatica - Auxologico Cusano
2023 - oggi
Consulente citopatologo, Bianalisi Laboratorio, Carate Brianza.
2018 - oggi
Direttore Laboratorio Anatomia Patologica e Biologia Molecolare Somatica, Istituto Auxologico Italiano (Cusano Milanino).
2017 - oggi
Consulente patologo, Next Fertility ProCrea, Lugano, Svizzera.
2016 - 2017
Consulente patologo per Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milano.
2015 - oggi
Consulente citopatologo, Cerba HealthCare, Milano.
2014 - 2016
Consulente patologo Casa di Cura La Madonnina, Milano.
2013 - 2021
Consulente patologo per FUTURA PMA, Firenze.
2012 - 2015
Consulente patologo per Casa di Cura Villa Letizia, Milano.
2011 - 2017
Direttore U.O. C. Anatomia Patologica , ASST-Franciacorta, Chiari
2011 - 2017
Consulente patologo, ISES Istituto per la cura dell’infertilità, Milano.
2009 - 2011
Patologo presso il Dipartimento di Patologia del Policlinico IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore, Milano.
1999 - 2009
Patologo presso il Dipartimento di Patologia Ospedale San Paolo, Milano.
2009 - 2011
Operatore in attività di biobancaggio presso Policlinico IRCCS, Ospedale Maggiore di Milano.
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (110/110 e lode) presso l’Università di Catania.
Specializzazione in Anatomia Patologica presso l’Università di Milano.
1998 -1999
Visiting Scholar presso l’Università di Filadelpfia U-PENN.
Diploma scuola di management in sanità UCB DSCO 1001 I.Re.F, Milano.
1999 - 2011
Esperienza di insegnamento presso i dipartimenti di Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università di Milano; competenza tutoriale nei settori diagnostici autoptici, macroscopici, microscopici e citologici.
- Attività diagnostica dell’età adulta e fetale
- Diagnostica intraoperatoria
- Attività di diagbnostica di Surgical Pathology
- Citologia diagnostica cervico-vaginale, extravaginale
- Focus su patologia neoplastica e non della tiroide, urogenitale, epatica e valutazione fertilità maschile
Partecipa all’attività di ricerca sulle malattie della tiroide e sullo studio della fertilità maschile (vedi PUBMED).
Coautore di oltre 40 pubblicazioni su riviste indicizzate
- June 1995“Up to date in prenatal diagnosis: current events and prospects” conference, Catania.
- May 1997 Italian Congress of Anatomy, Histology and Cytology, Pisa September October1997 XXIV European Cytology Congress, Ljubljana.
- November 1997 1st Monothematic Symposium "Prostate cancer", Bologna.
- February 1998 "Seminar on prostate and kidney tumor pathology", Ancona.
- December 1998 American Society of Clinical Pathologists conference call on "In situ Hybridization for Infectious Agents With Synthetic Oligonucleotide Probes", University of Pennsylvania.
- May 1999 ' Regional Meeting SIAPEC Telepathology-Regional Mesothelioma Register ", Catania.
- April 2000 Sixth Practical Update Course in Pathological Anatomy, Neoplastic Pathologies of the Kidney and Prostate, Desio.
- February 2001 first national meeting of the Italian group of Uropathology: "Update in urinary bladder tumor pathology", Rivoli.
- May 2001 International Consultation on the Diagnosis of Non-Invasive Urothelial Neoplasms, Ancona.
- September 2001 18th European Congress of Pathology Berlin.
- October 2001 attended the S.U.N. National Congress, Bergamo, as speaker on the "Expression of catalytic subunits (hTERT) on bladder biopsies".
- December 2001 National Congress of Oncological Urology, Ancona.
- January 2002, 59th A.U.L. on the "New Aspects of Reconstructive Surgery in Urethral Stenosis", Milan.
- April 2002, II National Meeting on "Current problems and orientations on urological tumors" Frascati.
- August 2002 "5th Copenhagen Workshop on Cis and Cancer of the Testis" Copenhagen.
- September 2002 attended the Italian Congress of Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Pisa.
- June 2003 speaker at the Uropathological meeting on "Role of the pathologist in prostate adenocarcinoma", Caltanisetta.
- September 2003 speaker at the Uropathological meeting on "Volume of the tumor and sites of positivity of surgical margins in prostate adenocarcinoma" S. Donato(MI).
- November 2003 speaker at the XIII National Congress of the Italian Society of Oncological Urology on the "Method of examining the sample from radical prostatectomy" Ancona.
- April 2004 IV National Meeting of the Italian Group of Uropathology, Milan.
- June 2004 speaker at the 77th national congress of the Italian Society of Urology, Milan , on "estimate of the neoplastic percentage on histological preparations of prostate needle biopsies: predictive factor of definitive tumor stage in radical prostatectomy.
- February 2005 speaker at Uropathological meeting on "The pathologist in comparison with the radical prostatectomy sample: how to treat it and how many preparations", Caltanisetta.
- October 2007, IV SIAPEC-IAP National Congress, Milan.
- March 2008, "Reproducibility of the biological characterization of breast cancer in Lombardy" course, Milan.
- February to December 2008 attended 5 scientific updating meetings in Pathological Anatomy.
- May 2008, meeting "Specialists in renal cell carcinoma", Milan.
- September 2008, Inflammatory G-I Tract pathology Prostate and Bladder Pathology course, Serre di Rapolano.
- June 2009 speaker at the XIX Urology Congress, Milan reporting on "bladder pathology: neoplastic mimickers".
- November 2009 speaker at the III Sardinian Regional Congress of Urology, Cagliari reporting on "new biomolecular markers in prostate cancer".
- May 2013, meeting “preneoplastic lesions of the uterine cervix” Rome.
- October 2013 Management meeting on "Histopathology of spontaneous abortions on mop and term I placenta" Chiari.
- October 2013 speaker at the "urological problems: general practitioner and specialist in comparison"conference, Chiari.
- October 2013 Management meeting on "Histopathology of spontaneous abortions on mop and term II placenta" Chiari.
- January 2014, "2nd Milan conference on urologic tumors" Milan.
- April 2014 "Training Legislative Decree 81/08: work-related stress-Alcohol, drugs and work ”Chiari.
- May 2014 training project in the "Multidisciplinary onco-surgical group project”, ASST Franciacorta Chiari.
- May 2014 Diapath symposium "Traceability and digital archiving", Martinengo May 2014 XXI ITMO National June 2014 Meeting “Evolution of neuroendocrine neoplasms-knowledge”, Monza.
- September 2015 speaker at "maternal mortality as sentinel event of the birth path"conference, Chiari.
- November 2015 speaker and manager "Cytology state of the art"conference, Chiari.
- February 2016 attended “Pulmonary Cytology" course, Brescia.
- July 2016 meeting for the materialization of the medical prescription, Chiari.
- July 2016 training project "Training in Cytology", Chiari.
- March 2017 Retraining BLSD-IRC Italian Resuscitation Council Course, Chiari.
- October 2018 Siapec-Iap Annual Pathological Anatomy Congress, in Bari.
- May 2019 Management meeting of thyroid pathology and cytology, San Raffaele Hospital Milan.
- May 2019 speaker at the AITIC national congress, Riccione.
- October 2019 speaker at the AITIC Cyto-Histology Congress, Corte Franca.
- November 2019 Management meeting of breast pathology and cytology, Italian Auxological Institute.
- November 2019 ITCO: HARVEST MEETING: update in thyroid cancer pathology, Rome.
- February 2020 Management meeting “Cytology and Pathology of salivary gland”, Italian Auxologic Institute October 2021 Management meeting. “Cytology and Pathology of pancreatic gland” , Italian Auxologic Institute.
- May 2022, Management meeting “Paris System in Urinary Cytology”, Italian Auxologic Institute.
- September 2022 workshops on thyroid cytopathology and histopathology at 70th Anniversary of the Department of Cytopathology, Ljubljana.
- November 2022 speaker – Novità nella gestione delle malattie endocrine. Milan.
- February 2023 speaker at the congress “Luci e ombre nella diagnoisi istologica del carcinoma midollare”, Milan.
- May 2023 speaker at Meeting on Liquid Based Thyroid Cytology, Sesto Fiorentino May 2023 September “Convegno Salute e Sanità Regione Liguria”.
- June 2023 management webinar “ la microematuria: possibili e molteplici risvolti, tre casi clinici”.
- September 2023 management webinar “Diagnosi e trattamento del paziente dispnoico” October 2023 management meeting “la gestione del nodulo tiroideo".
- October 2023 speaker at the Siapec-Iap Annual Pathological Anatomy Congress, Naples.
- December 2023 speaker at XII Molecular Cytopathology congress, Naples.
- December 2023 The 2023 SIAPEC and ASC Joint Cytopathology Workshop, Palermo.
- February 2024 speaker at the “PICCOLE E GRANDI DIFFERENZE ALL’ISTOLOGIA: CHE IMPATTO SUL FOLLOW UP?” congress, Milan.
- March 2024 management webinar "Sangue occulto positivo: il percorso diagnostico terapeutico dal Medico di Medicina Generale al Chirurgo".
- April 2024 speaker “Gestione del referto nella patologia endodocrina: standardizzazione”, Rome.
- June 2024 speaker at European Congress of Cytology, Leipzig: Reproducibility in Urinary Cytology”.
Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica (SIAPeC-IAP), Gruppo Italiano di Citologia SIAPeC, American Society of Cytology (ASC), International Academy of Cytology (IAC), ASC.